double glazing

The Benefits of Double Glazing Melbourne

Double glazing Melbourne can offer a number of benefits, from insulating your home to reducing energy costs. They can also help to keep the noise out and reduce outside traffic noise, making them a great option for homes with noisy neighbours or near construction sites, airports or other loud environments.


One of the biggest reasons to have double glazed windows is that they are incredibly effective at keeping heat inside your house during colder seasons. This means that your heating isn’t on as long and the air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard, which can save you a lot of money in energy costs!

Increased insulation can cut your energy bills by up to 30%, compared to single glazed windows. This is mainly because the increased insulation reduces the amount of heat that can be transferred from inside your house to the outside environment.

Stop Noise and doors are designed and manufactured in Australia, for Australian conditions. They are able to withstand the harsh Australian climate and intense UV rays.

Reduction of energy bills

Whether it’s hot in summer or freezing in winter, Stop Noise and doors will significantly reduce your energy bills. This can be particularly helpful if you’re on a fixed income, or are planning to sell your property in the future.

Resale value

If you decide to sell your house, a double glazed window system can be a great selling point for your home. As they improve the thermal efficiency of your home, a new set of uPVC windows and doors will increase your resale value.

There are a number of different factors that determine the cost of replacing or installing new double glazed windows. The frame material, glass thickness, type of windows you choose and the overall style of your home all play a part in determining your total price.

Window Frame Materials

The frame material you choose will impact your energy efficiency, longevity and maintenance needs. Aluminum is the cheapest option, while composite and fiberglass frames are more costly.

Double Pane Spacers

The spacers between the two panes of glass in double glazed windows can make a significant difference in thermal performance and energy star ratings. Look for “warm edge” spacers which function as insulators to prevent heat from moving from one pane to the other.

Filling The Space Between The Panes With Gas

The space between the panes of double glazed windows can be filled with an inert gas, such as argon, to improve insulation and decrease the transfer of heat through the glass. This adds to the insulation of your home and decreases unwanted heat transfer during the winter and solar gain during the summer.

Self-Cleaning Glass

Self-cleaning glass is a great way to keep the interior of your home clean and germ free. It also increases the durability of your double glazed windows and reduces the need for frequent cleaning.

How much does double glazed windows cost? Get in touch with Stop Noise for the best deals on soundproof windows.